Dealing with cold symptoms, whether it’s a runny nose, incessant sneezing, or both, can be quite tiresome. Nobody enjoys being under the weather, and you probably want to bounce back from a common cold as quickly as possible! Nevertheless, cold viruses happen. When they do, it’s helpful to understand and to have strategies in place to make the cold more manageable.
We are going to walk you through the stages of a cold, from early signs your body is fighting a cold to when your body should (hopefully) get over the virus. Along the way, we’ll talk about the progression of cold symptoms and strategies for treating your cold, and even shortening it with Zicam® Cold Remedy*!
The largest cause of the common cold is rhinovirus, and there are 100 types of rhinoviruses. In total, more than 200 viruses can cause common colds.
Rhinoviruses account for 30-35 percent of all colds among adults. Colds are the most common viral infection, as people in the United States suffer 1 billion colds annually. They are the top reason why children miss school and adults miss work.
Cold viruses spread in one of two ways. The first is transmission through tiny air droplets when a person with a cold coughs, sneezes, or blows their nose. The second is if you have had direct contact with any surface or surfaces contaminated with virus particles, or cold germs.
Most colds subside on their own between seven and 10 days. Some may go away sooner with consistent treatment.
However, the contagious timeline is different. You may be contagious even after your cold has gone away, for up to two weeks after your cold first begins—and you might even be contagious days before you feel symptoms. Typically, though, most colds are not contagious after the first week.
Rhinoviruses are most active in the early fall, spring, and summer, which is why “cold season” usually extends from September through April. This coincides with flu season, which can start as early as late summer and generally peaks between December and February.
The timeline of a cold spans from incubation through the recovery process. We are going to walk through the phases of a cold, as well as the symptoms that accompany all the stages and how you might look to lessen nasal congestion and shorten the duration of your cold with Zicam® Cold Remedy*.
Your cold does not begin when you start to experience symptoms. Rather, Stage 1 of a cold begins upon exposure to a cold virus, whether airborne or through direct contact. This is called the Incubation Period.
The length of incubation varies depending on the virus you have obtained. It often lasts for anywhere between 12 hours and 3 days after first exposure.
Stage 2: You should experience your first symptom(s) within the first three days of exposure to a cold virus. For many people, this often takes the form of a tickly or slightly sore throat. However, you may experience other symptoms during this stage. These might include:
If you do have a runny or stuffy nose, you should take a close look at the mucus, despite how gross that might sound. Nasal secretions during a cold have yellow mucus, whereas those same secretions look clear if you’ve been exposed to allergies. Additionally, if you think you have a cold but your symptoms extend beyond 10-14 days, see a doctor to help confirm whether you’re dealing with allergies or another issue.
Stage 3: The third cold stage, or Active Phase, is when you are most likely to notice the worsening or progression of cold symptoms. You will likely still feel all of the symptoms listed above and may experience more signs your body is fighting a cold, including:
Symptoms such as a fever are less common with the common cold. Reach out to a doctor if you break a fever and you aren’t sure whether they have a common cold or the flu.
Stage 4: You should notice that your symptoms begin to lessen a week after exposure. The symptoms may dissipate entirely. However, you may continue to experience a cough and some congestion.
Reach out to your doctor or healthcare provider if your symptoms worsen more than a week after exposure. You may have another infection or a more serious respiratory illness.
You should use Zicam® Cold Remedy during Stage 2 of a cold when you experience the first signs that your body is fighting a cold. Maybe you feel a bit of a tug or some scratchiness in your throat when you wake up in the morning. Or, perhaps you find suddenly yourself in a world of sneezing and congestion in the middle of the afternoon. Take Zicam® Cold Remedy to shorten the duration of your cold!
The Zicam® Cold Remedy portfolio features products that come in different forms to cater to your symptomatic needs, like lozenges for sore throat and a nasal spray to help relieve congestion and shorten your cold*:
You might also hope for a product that can help with 6 symptoms of the cold and flu. If so, try Zicam® Cold & Flu-Like Symptoms‡! These cooling, peppermint-flavored tablets help to temporarily relieve 6 cold- and flu-like symptoms, including sore throat, chest congestion, hoarseness, body aches, fever, and chills‡ and are formulated with zinc to help with nasal congestion and shorten the duration of the common cold.
Don’t just wait around for your cold virus to go away. Get off the couch and back on your feet by taking Zicam® Cold Remedy to shorten the duration of the cold*.
Now that you know how taking Zicam® Cold Remedy can help to shorten your cold*, let’s discuss some other common questions related to managing symptoms and when those symptoms might become especially noticeable.
Cold symptoms like cough or congestion may feel worse at night because of postnasal drip.
The steam from a hot shower can help with some cold symptoms, like nasal congestion or sinus pressure. It can help promote drainage and loosen or clear your passages so you feel more relieved.
Cold viruses are a drag. Rather than enduring the various phases of a common cold, turn to Zicam® Cold Remedy products to help shorten your cold* so you can feel like yourself again.
*When taken at the first sign of a cold.
†Based on unit sales data, IRI total US Multi-Outlet, latest 52 weeks-ending 10/03/23.
‡Claims based on traditional homeopathic practice, not accepted medical evidence. Not FDA evaluated.